Video Content by Subject Area

Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 10
Polymer Size Distributions (continued)
Mechanical Simulations of Cell Motility
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 11
Alan Turing and the Patterns of Life
Mathematical Modeling: The View from Public Health Practice
Optimizing Influenza Vaccine Allocation
The effect of vaccination on influenza’s rate of antigenic drift
Rapid Localized Spread and Immunologic Containment Defines Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Reactivation in the Human Genital Trac
Vaccination Against Genital Herpes
A cross-scale approach to determining measures of vaccine efficacy
Multiscale Modeling of Hepatitis C Virus Infection
CD8+ T cell-mediated killing of infected cells
Modeling mass vaccination and other interventions: An individual-based approach
Stochastic modeling insights into early HIV infection
Combatting Neglected Disease Leishmaniasis in India: Identifying True Burden & Designing Efficient Control Policy
Public Health Decision-Making in Global HIV/STIs
Using epidemiological data to understand within-host parasite dynamics of malaria infection
The Emerging Roles and Computational Challenges of Stochasticity in Biological Systems
The Mathematics of Social Evolution
Optimizing Biogas Generation Using Anaerobic Digestion
Mathematical ecology: A century of progress, and challenges for the next century
Public Goods, from Biofilms to Societies.
DINOSAUR WARS: Extinction by Asteroid or Volcanism? Are we the Dinosaurs of the 6th Mass Extinction?
If Space Turned out to be Time: Resonances and Patterns in the Visual Cortex
Variation in the descent of genome: modeling and inference
In Progress COVID-19 modelling
Multiple fission cycles in Chlamydomonas
Modeling strict age-targeted mitigation strategies for COVID-19
What is epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and why is it important for metastasis?
Real-time modelling of the COVID-19 epidemic: perspectives from British Columbia
Gaps of saddle connection directions for some branched covers of tori
Binocular Rivalry; Modeling by Network Structure
Multiscale multicellular modeling of tissue function and disease using CompuCell3D
The Mathematics of Life: Making Diffusion Your Friend
Epidemiology CovidSimABM: An Agent-Based Model of Contagion
Implementation of quarantine measures accounting for Covid-19 hospital saturation
Flattening the curve and the effect of atypical events on mitigation measures
Characterizing the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and the USA
Fast spread of SARS-CoV-2 in China, Europe and the US
Spatiotemporal Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Spain
Impacts on community transmission and disease burden of a clinical prediction tool to prioritize limited COVID testing
A simple criterion to design optimal nonpharmaceutical interventions for epidemic outbreaks
Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak
Modeling intervention strategies for containing Covid-19 in Nursing homes with digital contact tracing
The timing and nature of behavioral responses affect the course of an epidemic
Mechanistic modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 and immune system interplay unravels design principles for diverse clinicopathological outcomes
In-host Modelling of COVID-19 in Humans
Modelling evolutionary epidemiology of COVID-19
Localized outbreaks in S-I-R model with diffusion
