The Tumor Growth Paradox
Single-molecule insights for DNA/RNA/protein interactions and drug discovery and development: the next level of resolution, for the next era of genetic medicines
Emergence of diverse collective behaviors from local topological perception
Asymptotic analysis of the concentration difference due to diffusive fluxes across narrow windows
Humans Make Things Messy
Feelling Fundamental Principles of Bacterial Cell Physiology using Long-Term Time-Lapse Atomic Force Microscopy
Directional sensing and signal integration by immune cells
Adventures with Partial Identification in Studies of Marked Individuals
Combined modeling and experimental study of the interplay between tissue growth and shape regulation during Drosophila wing disc development
Agent-based modelling and topological data analysis of zebrafish patterns
Rotary Molecular Motors Driven By Transmembrane Ionic Currents
Actomyosin cables by mechanical self-organization
Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different rates of water intake
Agent-based models: from bacterial aggregation to wealth hot-spots
Influence of the endothelial surface layer on the motion of red blood cells
The Emergence of Spatial Patterns for Diffusion-Coupled Compartments with Activator-Inhibitor Kinetics in 1-D and 2-D
Localized Patterns in Population Models with the Large Biased Movement and Strong Allee Effect
Opinion Dynamics and Spreading Processes on Networks
Existence, Stability and Slow Dynamics of Spikes in a 1D Minimal Keller–Segel Model with Logistic Growth
Turing Patterns on Growing Domains
What conifer trees can show us about how organs are positioned in developing organisms
Perceptual Learning in Olfaction: Flexibility, Stability, and Cortical Control
A journey in the use of mathematical models to gain insight into ecological and sociological phenomena
Mathematical Biomedicine: Examples
A simple stochastic model for cell population dynamics in colonic crypts
Self-organization and pattern selection in run-and-tumble processes
Self-Interacting Walk and Functional Integration
Introduction to Marsden & Symmetry
A Functional Integral Representation for Many Boson Systems
Gauge Theory and Khovanov Homology
From the Adinkras of Supersymmetry to the Music of Arnold Schoenberg
Summer School in Probablility 2008
Raising the Floor and Lifting The Ceiling: Math For All
Raising the Floor and Lifting The Ceiling: Math For All (Slides)
PIMS Board Meeting - Fall 2011
Math Mania
PIMS/UBC Math Department Grad Student/Postdoc Job Forum
New geometric and functional analytic ideas arising from problems in symplectic geometry
Small Number Counts to 100
Small Number Counts to 100 (Blackfoot)
What I am Doing in Australia
Cloaking and Transformation Optics
Conformal Invariance and Universality in the 2D Ising Model
Lagrangian Floer Homology and Mirror Symmetry
Linearity in the Tropics
Categorical Crepant Resolutions of Higher Dimensional Simple Singularities
Geometry and analysis of low dimensional manifolds
On Fourth Order PDEs Modelling Electrostatic Micro-Electronical Systems
Law of Large Number and Central Limit Theorem under Uncertainty, the related New Itô's Calculus and Applications to Risk Measures
Regular Permutation Groups and Cayley Graphs
