Using physical metaphors to understand networks
Using physical metaphors to understand networks
Reconfiguration of Triangulations of a Planar Point Set
BCData 2018 Career Panel
Bandit learning of Nash equilibria in monotone games
Modelling Aperiodic Solids: Concepts and Properties of Tilings and their Physical Interpretation
Conformal Invariance and Universality in the 2D Ising Model
Conformal field theories and quantum phase transitions: an entanglement perspective
The Infinite HaPPY Code
The topology and geometry of the space of gapped lattice systems
Crystallography of hyperbolic lattices: from children's drawings to Fuchsian groups
Random walks and graphs in materials, biology, and quantum information science
Hyperbolic band theory
Classification of topological orders
Fractionalization and anomaly in symmetry-enriched topological phases
Anomalies in (2+1)D fermionic topological phases and (3+1)D state sums for fermionic SPTs
Topological superconductivity in quasicrystals
Entanglement of Free Fermions on Graphs
A hidden variable model for universal quantum computation with magic states on qubits
Secure Software Leasing Without Assumptions
Quantum applications of harmonic analysis on the group of positive rationals
SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer
Connes fusion of the free fermions on the circle
How Does Google Google? The Math Behind the Internet
How Does Google Google?
New geometric and functional analytic ideas arising from problems in symplectic geometry
Introduction to Marsden & Symmetry
Embedding questions in symplectic geometry
Gauge Theory and Khovanov Homology
A glimpse into the differential geometry and topology of optimal transportation
The Work of Misha Gromov, a Truly Original Thinker
Adam Clay Lecture 1 of 2
Adam Clay Lecture 2 of 2
Adam Clay Lecture 1 of 2
Decision problems, curvature and topology
Z_2 harmonic spinors in gauge theory
An Algebraic Approach on Fusions of Synchronization Models
Exponential Sums Over Multiplicative Groups in Fields of Prime Order and Related Combinatorial Problems
On the Chromatic Number of Graphs and Set Systems
Cohomology of Quasiperiodic Tilings
Alan Turing and the Decision Problem
Turing's Real Machines
Alan Turing and Enigma
Recent Results on Bootstrap Percolation
Sato-Tale groups and automorphy for nongeneric genus 2 curves
Inversions for reduced words
Turán numbers for a 4-uniform hypergraph
Entropy and Orbit Equivalence
Phase Transitions for Interacting Diffusions
Aperiodicity: Lessons from Various Generalizations
