IGTC Summit, 2011
Warming Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions: the Trillionth Tonne
Min Protein Patter Formation
Memory Induced Animal Movement Patterns
Life History Variations and the Dynamics of Structured Populations
Modeling Spotting in Wildland Fire
The Broughton Archipeligo Monitoring Program
Patterns of Social Foraging
Brains and Frogs: Structured Population Models
Mathematics and the Planet Earth: a Long Life Together I
Mathematics and the Planet Earth: a Long Life Together II
Oceans and Multiplicative Ergodic Theorems
The Mathematics of Bats
Conference on the Mathematics of Sea Ice
The long road to 0.075: a statistician’s perspective of the process for setting ozone standards
Models for the Spread of Cholera
Kac goes to work: Stochastic processes as probes of the architecture of plant root systems
The Richness of Thin Films
Theory of Equatorially Trapped Waves
From Euler to Born and Infeld, Fluids and Electromagnetism
About Irreversibility in Rarefied Gas Dynamics
Projective Modules in Classical and Quantum Functional Analysis
New geometric and functional analytic ideas arising from problems in symplectic geometry
A Functional Integral Representation for Many Boson Systems
Approximating Functions in High Dimensions
String Theory Compactification with/without Torsion
General Relativity, Differential Geometry and Differential Equations; Stories From a Successful Menage-a-trois
Mathematics of Seismic Imaging
Topics in Scattering Theory
Wave-equation Migration
Overview of Seismic Imaging
Intro to Inverse Problems in Exploration Seismology
Kirchhoff Scattering Inversion
A Computational Mathematician Combusts
Exponential Sums Over Multiplicative Groups in Fields of Prime Order and Related Combinatorial Problems
Algebraic Z^d-actions
Regular Permutation Groups and Cayley Graphs
Expanders, Group Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Cryptography and Much More
Second Bounded Cohomology
Asymptotic dimension
Quadratic forms and finite groups
Iwahori-Hecke algebras are Gorenstein (part I)
Iwahori-Hecke algebras are Gorenstein (part II)
Finite Simple Groups and Applications
On the local Langlands conjectures
Alan Turing and the Decision Problem
Turing's Real Machines
Alan Turing and Enigma
Turing and Intelligent Machines
Cryptography: Secrets and Lies, Knowledge and Trust
