Particles attempt to follow a simple dynamic (random walk, constant flow, etc) in some space (interval, line, cycle, arbitrary graph). Add a simple interaction between particles, and the behaviour can change completely. The resulting dynamical systems are far more complex than the ingredients suggest. These processes (interchange process, TASEP, sorting networks, etc) have diverse to many topics: growth processes, queuing theory, representation theory, algebraic combinatorics. I will discuss recent progress on and open problems arising from several models of interacting particle systems.
The study of maps, that is of graphs embedded in surfaces, is a popular subject that has implications in many branches of mathematics, the most famous aspects being purely graph-theoretical, such as the four-color theorem. The study of random maps has met an increasing interest in the recent years. This is motivated in particular by problems in theoretical physics, in which random maps serve as discrete models of random continuum surfaces. The probabilistic interpretation of bijective counting methods for maps happen to be particularly fruitful, and relates random maps to other important combinatorial random structures like the continuum random tree and the Brownian snake. This course will survey these aspects and present recent developments in this area.
In this talk I present a new model for seed banks, where individuals may obtain their type from ancestors which have lived in the near as well as the very far past. We discern three parameter regimes of the seed bank age distribution, which lead to substantially different behaviour in terms of genetic variability, in particular with respect to fixation of types and time to the most recent common ancestor. The classical Wright-Fisher model, as well as a seed bank model with bounded age distribution considered by Kaj, Krone and Lascoux (2001) are particular cases of the model. The mathematical methods are based not only on Markov chains, but also on renewal theory as well as on a Gibbsian approach introduced by Hammond and Sheffield (2011) in a different context. This talk is based in a joint work with Jochen Blath, Noemi Kurt, Dario Span`o.
We will investigate an interacting particle system in which two types of Brownian particles annihilate at a certain rate when they're near the interface of their respective domains. This can model the propagation of charges in a single solar cell. We will show that the particle density is the solution of a coupled PDE and obtain a probabilistic representation of the solution.
Particles attempt to follow a simple dynamic (random walk, constant flow, etc) in some space (interval, line, cycle, arbitrary graph). Add a simple interaction between particles, and the behaviour can change completely. The resulting dynamical systems are far more complex than the ingredients suggest. These processes (interchange process, TASEP, sorting networks, etc) have diverse to many topics: growth processes, queuing theory, representation theory, algebraic combinatorics. I will discuss recent progress on and open problems arising from several models of interacting particle systems.
The study of maps, that is of graphs embedded in surfaces, is a popular subject that has implications in many branches of mathematics, the most famous aspects being purely graph-theoretical, such as the four-color theorem. The study of random maps has met an increasing interest in the recent years. This is motivated in particular by problems in theoretical physics, in which random maps serve as discrete models of random continuum surfaces. The probabilistic interpretation of bijective counting methods for maps happen to be particularly fruitful, and relates random maps to other important combinatorial random structures like the continuum random tree and the Brownian snake. This course will survey these aspects and present recent developments in this area.
We discuss various behaviours of continuous time simple random walks which are governed by the volume growth of the underlying weighted graph. In this setting the volume growth is computed with respect to a metric adapted to the random walk and not the graph metric. Use of these metrics allows us to establish results for graphs which are analogous to those for diffusions on a manifold or the Markov process associated with a strongly local Dirichlet form.
We consider two random walks conditioned “never to intersect” in Z^2. We show that each of them has infinitely many `global' cut times with probability one. In fact, we prove that the number of global cut times up to n grows like n^{3/8}. Next we consider the union of their trajectories to be a random subgraph of Z^2 and show the subdiffusivity of the simple random walk on this graph.
Consider a symmetric random walk on a group G. If the trace of the random walk generates G as a semigroup almost surely, then we say that G is algebraically recurrent. In this talk, we will present some initial steps towards understanding algebraic recurrence, including examples of algebraically recurrent and non-algebraically recurrent groups. We will conclude with some open questions. This is joint work with Itai Benjamini and Romain Tessera.