In this talk, we are interested in the following question: among primes that can be written as a sum of two squares $p = a^2 + 4b^2$ with $a > 0$, how is the congruence class of a distributed? This will lead us to study the distribution of values of Hecke characters from the point of view of Chebyshev’s bias, as well as the distribution of zeros of the associated L-functions and in particular their vanishing at $1/2$.
Let $E_1$ and $E_2$ be two non-CM elliptic curves defined over a number field $K$. By an isogeny theorem due to Kulkarni, Patankar, and Rajan, the two curves are geometrically isogenous if and only if the density of primes for which their Frobenius field coincide is positive. In this talk, we present a quantitative upper bounds of this criterion that improves the result of Baier–Patankar and Wong. The strategy relies on effective versions of the Chebotarev Density Theorem. This is joint work with Alina Cojocaru and Auden Hinz.
Assuming the Riemann hypothesis (RH) and the linear independence conjecture (LI), we show that the weighted count of primes in multiple disjoint short intervals has a multivariate Gaussian logarithmic limiting distribution with weak negative correlation. As a consequence, we derive short-interval counterparts for many important works in the literature of the Shanks–Rényi prime number race, including a sharp phase transition from all races being asymptotically unbiased to the existence of biased races. Our result remains novel, even for primes in a single moving interval, especially under a quantitative formulation of the linear independence conjecture (QLI).
We prove explicit estimates of $1/\zeta(s)$ of various orders, and use an improved version of the Perron formula to get explicit estimates for the Mertens function $M(x)$ of order $O(x)$, $O(x/\log^k x)$, and $O(x\log x exp(−\sqrt{\log{x}})$. These estimates are good for small, medium, and large ranges of $x$, respectively.
Supersingularity is a notion to describe certain elliptic curves defined over a field with positive characteristic $p > 0$. Supersingular elliptic curves possess many special properties, such as larger endomorphism rings, extremal point counts, and special p-torsion group scheme structures. This notion was then generalized to higherdimensional abelian varieties. A global function field is associated with an algebraic curve defined over a finite field; the supersingularity of the Jacobian would affect the prime distribution of this function field. In this talk, I want to discuss the effect of supersingularity on prime distribution for function fields and introduce some perspectives to study this phenomenon.
Let f be a self-dual Maass form for $SL(n, Z)$. We write $L_f (s)$ for the Godement–Jacquet L-function associated to $f$ and $L_{f\times f} (s)$ for the Rankin–Selberg L-function of $f$ with itself. The inverse of $L_{f\times f} (s)$ is defined by
\frac{1}{L_{f\times f}(s)} := \sum_{m=1}^\infty \frac{c(m)}{m^s}, \mathfrak{R}(s) > 1.
It is well known that the classical Mertens function $M(x) := \sum_{m\leq x} \mu(m)$ is related to
\frac{1}{\zeta(s)} = \sum_{m=1}^\infty \frac{\mu(m)}{m^s}, \mathfrak{R}(s) > 1.
We define the analogue of the Mertens function for $L_{f\times f} (s)$ as $\widetilde{M}(x) := \sum_{m\leq x} c(m)$ and obtain an upper bound for this analogue $\widetilde{M}(x)$, similar to what is known for the Mertens function $M(x)$. In particular, we prove that $\widetilde{M}(x) \ll_f x \exp(−A\sqrt{\log{x}}$ for sufficiently large $x$ and for some positive constant $A$. This is a joint work with my Ph.D. supervisor Prof. A. Sankaranarayanan.
The content of this talk is based on joint work with Shehzad Hathi. First, I will give a short but sweet proof of Mertens’ product theorem for number fields, which generalises a method introduced by Hardy. Next, when the number field is the rationals, we know that the error in this result changes sign infinitely often. Therefore, a natural question to consider is whether this is always the
case for any number field? I will answer this question (and more) during the talk. Furthermore, I will present the outcome of some computations in two number fields: $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{13})$.
In 2020, Fiorilli and Jouve proved an unconditional Chebyshev bias result for a Galois extension of number fields under a group theoretic condition on its Galois group. We extend their result to a larger family of groups. This leads us to characterize abelian groups enabling extreme biases. In the case of prime power degree extensions, we give a simple criterion implying extreme biases and we also investigate the corresponding Linnik-type question.
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $C_l$ be the family of prime cyclic extensions of degree $l$ over $\mathbb{Q}$. Under GRH for elliptic L-functions, we give a lower bound for the probability for $K \in C_l$ such that the difference $r_K(E) − r_\mathbb{Q}(E)$ between analytic rank is less than a for $a \asymp l$. This result gives conjectural evidence that the Diophantine Stability problem suggested by Mazur and Rubin holds for most of $K \in C_l$.
As a refinement of Goldfeld’s conjecture, there is a conjecture of Keating–Snaith asserting that $\log L(1/2,E_d)$ for certain quadratic twists $E_d$ of an elliptic curve $E$ behaves like a normal random variable. In light of this, Radziwill and Soundararajan conjectured that the distribution of $\log(|Sha(E_d)|/\sqrt{|d|}$ is approximately Gaussian for these $E_d$, and proved that the conjectures of Keating–Snaith and theirs are both valid “from above”. More recently, under GRH, they further established a lower bound for the involving distribution towards Keating–Snaith’s conjecture. In this talk, we shall discuss the joint distribution of central values and orders of Sha groups of $E_d$ and how to adapt Radziwill–Soundararajan’s methods to study upper bound and lower bounds for such a joint distribution if time allows.