The Farey sequence $\mathcal{F}_Q$ of order $Q$ is the ascending sequence of fractions $\frac{a}{b}$ in the unit interval $(0, 1]$ with $gcd(a, b) = 1$ and $0 < a \leq b \leq Q$. The study of the Farey fractions is of major interest because of their role in problems related to Diophantine approximation. Also, there is a connection between the distribution of Farey fractions and the Riemann hypothesis, which further motivates their study. In this talk, we will discuss the distribution of Farey fractions with some divisibility constraints on denominators by studying their pair-correlation measure. This is based on joint work with Sneha Chaubey.
In classical comparative prime number theory, it is customary to assume some kind of linear independence hypothesis about the zeros of the underlying L-functions. These hypotheses are completely out of reach of current methods. However, in the function field case, it is sometimes possible to prove them, or at least to show they hold generically. In this talk I will present recent results in comparative prime number theory over function fields that establish infinite families of “irreducible polynomial races” which we can study unconditionally. Some of those results are joint work with L. Devin, D. Keliher, and W. Li.
Recently Martin, Mossinghoff, and Trudgian investigated comparative number theoretic results for a family of arithmetic functions called “fake $\mu$’s”. In their paper, they focused on the bias and oscillation of the summatory function of a fake $\mu$ at the $\sqrt{x}$ scale, while acknowledging that a function with no bias at this scale could well see one at a smaller scale. In this spirit, I will discuss some new oscillation results for the summatory functions of general fake $\mu$’s. This is joint work with Greg Martin.
Please note, this recording is incomplete due to a problem with the room system.
In this talk we present new unconditional estimates on $\Delta k(x)$, the remainder term associated with the generalised divisor function, for large $k$. By combining new estimates of exponential sums and Carlson’s exponent, we show that $\Delta k(x) \ll x^{1−1.224(k−2.36)^{−2/3}}$ for $k \geq 58$ and $\Delta k(x) \ll x^{1−1.889k^{−2/3}}$ for all sufficiently large fixed $k$. This is joint work with Andrew Yang.
Central to comparative number theory is the study of the difference $\Delta(t) = \pi(t) − li(t)$, where $\pi(t)$ is the prime counting function and $li(t)$ is the logarithmic integral. Prior to a celebrated 1914 paper of Littlewood, it was believed that $\Delta < 0$ for all $t > 2$. We now know however that $\Delta(t)$ changes sign infinitely often, with the first sign change occuring before 10320. Despite this, it still appears that $\Delta(t)$ is negative “on average”, in that integrating $\Delta (t)$ from $t = 2$ onwards yields a negative value. In this talk, we will explore this idea in detail, discussing links with the Riemann hypothesis and also extending such ideas to other differences involving arithmetic functions.
In joint work with Régis de la Bretéche and Daniel Fiorilli, we consider weighted
moments for the distribution of Frobenius substitutions in conjugacy classes of
Galois groups of normal number field extensions. The question is inspired by work
of Hooley and recent progress by de la Bretéche–Fiorilli in the case of moments for
primes in arithmetic progressions. As in their work, the results I will discuss are
conditional on the Riemann Hypothesis and confirm that the moments considered
should be Gaussian. Time permitting, I will address a different notion of moments
that can be considered in the same context and that leads to non-Gaussian families
for particular Galois group structures.
Based on work previously done by Gonek, Graham, and Lee, we show that the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) can be reformulated in terms of certain asymptotic estimates for twisted sums with k-fold convolution of von Mangoldt function and the generalized von Mangoldt function. For each $k \in\mathbb{N}$, we study two types of twisted sums:
1. $\sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda^k(n)n^{-iy}$, where $\Lambda^k(n) = \underbrace{\Lambda\star\cdots\Lambda}_\text{k copies}$
2. $\sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda_k(n)n^{-iy}$, where $\Lambda_k(n) :=\sum_{d|n}\mu(d)\left(\log{\frac{n}{d}}\right)^k$.
Where $\Lambda$ is the von Mangoldt function and $\mu$ is the Möbius function, and establish similar connections with RH.
The Wiener–Ikehara Tauberian theorem is an important theorem giving an asymptotic formula for the sum of coefficients of a Dirichlet series. In this talk, we present a simple and elegant proof of the Wiener–Ikehara Tauberian theorem which relies only on basic Fourier analysis and known estimates for the given Dirichlet series. This method allows us to derive a version of the WienerIkehara theorem with an error term. This is joint work with Prof. M. Ram Murty and Prof. Akshaa Vatwani.
Let $y\neq 0$ and $C>0$. Under the Riemann Hypothesis, there is a number $T_* > 0$ (depending on $y$ and $C$) such that for every $T>T_*$, both
\zeta(\frac{1}{2}+i\gamma) = 0 \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad
\zeta(\frac{1}{2} + i(\gamma + y))\neq 0
hold for at least one $\gamma$ in the interval $[T, T(1+\epsilon]$, where $\epsilon := T^{-C/\log\log T}$.
One of the central problems in comparative prime number theory involves understanding primes in
arithmetic progressions. The distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions are sensitive to real zeros near $s = 1$ of L-functions associated to primitive real Dirichlet characters. The Generalized Riemann Hypothesis implies that such L-functions have no zeros near $s = 1$. In 1935, Siegel proved the strongest known upper bound for the largest such real zero, but his result is vastly inferior to what is known unconditionally for other L-functions. We exponentially improve Siegel’s bound under a mild hypothesis that permits real zeros to lie close to $s = 1$. Our hypothesis can be verified for almost all primitive real characters. Our work extends to other families of L-functions. This is joint work with Jesse Thorner and Alexandru Zaharescu.