In 1980 Montgomery made a conjecture about the true order of the error term in the prime number theorem. In the early 1990s Gonek made an analogous conjecture for the sum of the Mobius function. In 2012 I further revised Gonek’s conjecture by providing a precise limiting constant. This was based on work on large deviations of sums of independent random variables. Similar ideas can be applied to any prime number error term. In this talk I will speculate about the true order of prime number error terms.
Let $\pi(x; q, a)$ be the number of primes $p\leq x$ such that $p \equiv a (\mod q)$. The classical Shanks–Rényi prime number race problem asks, given positive integers $q \geq 3$ and $2 \leq r \leq \phi(q)$ and distinct reduced residue classes $a_1, a_2, . . . , a_r$ modulo $q$, whether there are infinitely many integers $n$ such that $\pi (n; q, a1) > \pi(n; q, a2) > \cdots > \pi(n; q, ar)$. In this talk, I will describe what is known on this problem when the number of competitors $r \geq 3$, and how this compares to the Chebyshev’s bias case which corresponds to $r = 2$.
The partial sums of the Liouville function $\lambda(n)$ are "often" negative, and yet the partials sums of the Möbius function $\mu(n)$ are positive or negative "roughly equally". How can this, be, given that $\mu(n)$ and $\lambda(n)$ are so similar? I shall discuss some problems in this area, some joint work with Greg Martin and Mike Mossinghoff, and a possible application to zeta-zeroes.
Optimal transport operates on empirical distributions which may contain acquisition artifacts, such as outliers or noise, thereby hindering a robust calculation of the OT map. Additionally, it necessitates equal mass between the two distributions, which can be overly restrictive in certain machine learning or computer vision applications where distributions may have arbitrary masses, or when only a fraction of the total mass needs to be transported. Unbalanced Optimal Transport addresses the issue of rebalancing or removing some mass from the problem by relaxing the marginal conditions. Consequently, it is often considered to be more robust, to some extent, against these artifacts compared to its standard balanced counterpart. In this presentation, I will review several divergences for relaxing the marginals, ranging from vertical divergences like the Kullback-Leibler or the L2-norm, which allow for the removal of some mass, to horizontal ones, enabling a more robust formulation by redistributing the mass between the source and target distributions. Additionally, I will discuss efficient algorithms that do not necessitate additional regularization on the OT plan.
After a brief introduction on the theory of p-adic groups complex representations, I will explain why tempered and generic Langlands parameters are open. I will further derive a number of consequences, in particular for the enhanced genericity conjecture of Shahidi and its analogue in terms of ABV packets. This is a joint work with Clifton Cunningham, Andrew Fiori, and Qing Zhang.
The classical theory of hypergeometric functions, developed by generations of mathematicians including Gauss, Kummer, and Riemann, has been used substantially in the ensuing years within number theory, geometry, and the intersection thereof. In more recent decades, these classical ideas have been translated from the complex setting into the finite field and p
-adic settings as well.
In this talk, we will give a friendly introduction to hypergeometric functions, especially in the context of number theory.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
To each square-free monic polynomial $D$ in a fixed polynomial ring $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$, we can associate a real quadratic character $\chi_D$, and then a Dirichlet $L$-function $L(s,\chi_D)$. We compute the limiting distribution of the family of values $L'(1,\chi_D)/L(1,\chi_D)$ as $D$ runs through the square-free monic polynomials of $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$ and establish that this distribution has a smooth density function. Time permitting, we discuss connections of this result with Euler-Kronecker constants and ideal class groups of quadratic extensions. This is joint work with Amir Akbary.
Density functional theory (DFT) is one of the workhorses of quantum chemistry and material science. In principle, the joint probability of finding a specific electron configuration in a material is governed by a Schrödinger wave equation. But numerically computing this joint probability is computationally infeasible, due to the complexity scaling exponentially in the number of electrons. DFT aims to circumvent this difficulty by focusing on the marginal probability of one electron. In the last decade, a connection was found between DFT and a multi-marginal optimal transport problem with a repulsive cost. I will give a brief introduction to this topic, including some open problems, and recent progress.
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory
In 1909, Thue proved that when $F(x,y)$ is an irreducible, homogeneous, polynomial with integer coefficients and degree at least 3, the inequality $\left\| F(x,y) \right\| \leq h$ has finitely many integer-pair solutions for any positive $h$. Because of this result, the inequality $\left\| F(x,y) \right\| \leq h$ is known as Thue’s Inequality. Much work has been done to find sharp bounds on the size and number of integer-pair solutions to Thue’s Inequality, with Mueller and Schmidt initiating the modern approach to this problem in the 1980s. In this talk, I will describe different techniques used by Akhtari and Bengoechea; Baker; Mueller and Schmidt; Saradha and Sharma; and Thomas to make progress on this general problem. After that, I will discuss some improvements that can be made to a counting technique used in association with “the gap principle” and how those improvements lead to better bounds on the number of solutions to Thue’s Inequality.
Let $F$ be the field of $p$-adic numbers (or, more generally, a non-
archimedean local field) and let $G$ be $\mathrm{GL}_n(F)$ (or, more generally,
the group of $F$-points of a split connected reductive group). In the
framework of the local Langlands program, one is interested in studying
certain classes of representations of $G$ (and hopefully in trying to match
them with certain classes of representations of local Galois groups).
In this talk, we are going to focus on the category of smooth representations
of $G$ over a field $k$. An important tool to investigate this category is
given by the functor that, to each smooth representation $V$, attaches its
subspace of invariant vectors $V^I$ with respect to a fixed compact open
subgroup $I$ of $G$. The output of this functor is actually not just a $k$-
vector space, but a module over a certain Hecke algebra. The question we are
going to attempt to answer is: how much information does this functor preserve
or, in other words, how far is it from being an equivalence of categories? We
are going to focus, in particular, on the case that the characteristic of $k$
is equal to the residue characteristic of $F$ and $I$ is a specific subgroup
called "pro-$p$ Iwahori subgroup".